2 October 2006
Set 1:
| AfregelSalon | Soirée Modification | 0 -0000 | A series of four nights featuring artists with and around Gert-Jan Prins.
Gert-Jan Prins
Christian Toonk
Karl Klomp ...all three playing broken and unbroken videogear, also doing a little 'toybrokering'...
This series will include all manner of happenings, AV experiments with analogue and digital devices, found objects and other self-made gear. The focus is on bringing inner machine worlds to the outside audiovisual domain.
Set 2:
Lukas Simonis - The Stots Tour
Lukas Simonis - Solo Prepared Guitar and Effects
Rare chance to see Lukas solo, to coincide with the release of his new album 'STOTS'.